A Message From The President

December 2024

Dear Athena Sisters,

I hope you all enjoyed a fulfilling day of gratitude for Thanksgiving. I am certainly grateful for all of you!

As we are fully in the season of giving and fellowship, I am looking forward to spending time with friends and family. I also do a lot of reflecting at the end of the year embracing all that I have experienced and learned. For me and my family, 2024 was a challenging one and as my husband would say, “he’s ready to turn the page.” I know this year has been one full of amazing accomplishments for many: new business ventures and career transitions, family additions, graduations, anniversaries, and celebrations. It has also been full of a lot of hard: losing loved ones, navigating change, health challenges, and hurricanes. The highs and lows have been ever present. I am grateful that I have my sisters in Athena to lean on in all of these times, happy and hard. I’ve seen these magical moments happen within our organization and it makes my heart burst to see how we support one another. Thank you for all that you do!

For those who do enjoy the reflection time at the end of the year, I thought I would share some of the things that I do. I am a planner and enjoy living life intentionally. This helps ensure that I say yes to the right things that are aligned with who I am, where I am doing and why I am here on this earth. Each year, I map out my goals for the year and create a one-page visual that I post in my personal office, I organize them based on priorities of love, wellness, impact, create, and adventure. I also update my legacy statement. This is a reflection document where I write down what I am proud of, the impact I’ve had, check in on my core values (and list them) as well as refine my statement of “how I want to be remembered in this world.” This is another worthy exercise that simply keeps me connected to the things that matter most. This past year, I created “Life Dinners” with my spouse, and I have loved this monthly dinner just the two of us, reflecting, sharing and journalling together. I am happy to share any of all of these resources, should you want them. Just let me know!

I am also a gal who enjoys a mindful morning routine, so here are some books that have helped with that: Power of Positive ThinkingSimple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, The Daily StoicGratitude Journal, and Liberate Journal. I would love to hear about your favorite resources, books and reflections for intentional living! Please click here to share your books, ideas, resources, and I will pull it all together in one document to share with everyone.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our Holiday party on December 8 at Bayshore Regency!

With love and gratitude,
