Currently there’s a proposal called TBX, Tampa Bay Expressway, before Hillsborough County’s MPO, the group that makes transportation decisions. On June 22 they could vote to expand the interstate with pay lanes with variable fees…for a total cost of $6 billion. Governor Scott thinks that this is the best way to address our mobility challenges.
I served on the MPO for 24 years and strongly disagree. TBX is short-sighted, too costly, solely focused on highway widening to the detriment of our urban core, historic neighborhoods and the heart of a city. It will only lead to more car congestion. TBX is the exact wrong choice for a city and region poised to make a critical turn toward true multimodal transportation that will drive an unprecedented economic boom.
Transit and multi modal transportation drives economic growth, attracts next century employers, attracts and retains talentand helps relieve congestion. That’s what makes a region grow. Variable rate toll lanes and highway widening do not. Tampa can make better choices! Please join me in fighting this step backward for our community. Go to the website and get involved in this critical issue.
Linda Saul-Sena