1/5/2015 | Author: Johanne Castagan
Kim Jowell has some really exciting news: She has accepted a position with the national
office of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) in New York City. And the good news is that
she won’t be lost to Athena as she’ll be working out of her home after her first three months
(January – March) in NYC. As Kim stated, “This promotion is a compliment to me and our
council. My new role at GSUSA will be to assist a portion of our 112 councils nationwide to
strive for high capacity and performance like we have within Girl Scouts of West Central
Florida. I will also be serving as a coach for our CEOs and their leadership teams.” Kim can
be contacted in the future at kjowell@yahoo.com. We wish her the best of luck and look
forward to her return in April.