Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee is charged with biennially reviewing the bylaws, recommending to the board changes as necessary, and making sure the constitution reflects the thinking of Athena. In addition, the committee reviews policy and procedure guidelines annually. The chair works with Athena committees and interested members on an ad hoc basis to meet this goal.

1. The committee is charged with the responsibilities as outlined in Article VIII, Section l. E, of the bylaws.

2. The committee is made up of the chair and all other members who express an interest in serving.

3. The committee is charged with reviewing the bylaws, recommending to the Board of Directors changes as necessary, and ensuring the constitution reflects the thinking of the Society. Additionally, the committee reviews these Policy and Procedure Guidelines annually. The bylaws will be reviewed biennially.

4. By March 1 of each year, the committee chair and vice chair shall propose a budget for revenue and expenses for the committee and programs identified for funding based on resources preliminarily committed to each program.

2023-24 Committee Chair:  Jessica Muroff

Committee Members:
Karen Arnold
Lori Baggett
Trimeka Benjamin
Starr Brookins
Susan Bucklew
Molly Crews
Robin DeLaVergne
Linda Devine
Katherine Essrig
Adelaide Few
Yvonne Fry
Mary Gamble
Kari Goetz
Molly James
Candy Olson
Becca Tieder
Tina Tenret
Kem Toole
Andrea Zelman