“The one precept we had was support of the ERA because we felt that no woman who was intelligent, well-informed, and responsible could really claim to support the cause of all women if she didn’t support the amendment.”
–Nancy Ford, Founding Member
As we welcome 2023, we will continue getting back to basics by focusing on our commitment to promote equality and opportunity for women. During the month of January, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), our founding bedrock principle, will be the featured topic of
our monthly membership meeting and the Long Range Planning (LRP) Committee, chaired by Mary Gamble, will kick-off our LRP process.
Genet Stewart, Lorna Taylor, and the Community Action Committee’s ERA subcommittee members have planned an evening reception as well as a conversation
during our membership meeting with Zakiya Thomas, President and CEO of the National ERA Coalition and Fund for Women’s Equality. Also, special thanks to the Communications Committee, chaired by Diane Egner, for the external contacts with the media and local organizations.
As we all know, legal sex discrimination and pay inequity are not yet things of the past, and the Dobbs decision has shown us progress and rights not codified into law may be here today and gone tomorrow. Additionally, in 2010, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia publicly stated that the 14th Amendment does not prohibit sexual discrimination under the law. So, the ERA— “Equality of rights
Upon reflecting on the history of the ERA, it’s hard to believe 2023 marks its 100th anniversary. And, sad to realize women remain vulnerable now and in the future to erosion and reversal of the political and judicial progress made unless the U.S. Constitution is amended.
We can all be ERA advocates by sharing information with your friends and family and supporting ERA Ratify FL, if you haven’t done so already. To help with advocacy efforts, EqualRightsAmendment.org has created an ERA Toolkit containing a wide variety of ready-to-post social media items, white papers, presentations, and ready-to-print poster, button, sticker, and postcard files — all for free. We can also exercise our political voice by contacting our legislative representatives to urge support of ratification.
As we advocate for equality, please also make time to actively participate in our LRP process to help ensure Athena’s relevance now and in the future. Ben Franklin recorded in a letter, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” I have often thought his statement should be revised to “…nothing can be said to be certain, except change, death and taxes,” because change is constant and inevitable. Change is an external factor we must plan on and manage by willingly reframing our approach and adapting our governance, methodologies, and tools when needed. Nothing that stays the same thrives. So, please also advocate for Athena by engaging in the LRP process.
I’m looking forward to a productive new year and I hope you are as well!
©2024 Athena Society Incorporated
P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679