Athena was not to be trifled with… As the story goes, Athena was a patron goddess known for her strategy and wisdom, two beneficial skills in today’s fast-changing world. It seems that no one knows this better than those who have been here the longest and those who just got here. Impossible to believe that both add value and can learn from and respect each other? It shouldn’t be. Navigating our way in a changing world requires healthy doses of wisdom, discernment, experience, flexibility and curiosity. Rarely is any individual – of any age or level of experience – able to strategically muster all at once, all the time. And often, even less so when other people are involved. That prompts me to think about the fact that seven (7) generations are roaming the planet right now, with five (5) of them in the workplace. The Gen X in me is annoyed by the labels (and you may be, too), but here is the list of how we are categorized:
It’s no wonder that we can all seem to be on different pages periodically. Books like The Perennials by Mauro Guillén speak to a post-generational workforce that encourages the dismissal of the above demographic breakdowns, as they may lead to perceived limits set by age and/or experience and unnecessary restraints on potential. Instead, it basically endorses the tagline of our annual theme that “all voices are essential” as we all journey into the future (hello, futureproof.) Athena Society has advocated for the contributions of women (of all ages) in building the future; which can be seen by looking at our position statements regarding: Day Care, Early Childhood Development and Educational Funding. As an organization, we’ve understood that how one begins the journey, and the support s/he/they receive along the way, can make a world of difference and benefit us all. As there are technological advances that lead to convenience and longer life, one thing remains constant and that’s the need for ongoing encouragement and support for those who are entering womanhood. Since 1976, our organization has been helping women advance through equality, acceptance, education and opportunity and the Dr. Sylvia Richardson Young Women of Promise initiative actively embraces this commitment. The YWP is a crowd favorite because it serves as a reminder to many of us of where we’ve been and an informer to where we are going. (Shout out to the 2024 Young Women of Promise Committee for your hard work and dedication to this program and event.) Women of all ages pursuing their dreams and operating in their gifts is beneficial to themselves, their families and ultimately, society, as they make their mark on the world. I began this message acknowledging the strategy and wisdom of Athena. I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you that she was also the goddess of war. (Where both strategy and wisdom are beneficial, especially if you’d like to resolve conflict by avoiding a war.) But as you process the war bit, I ask you to look at what young women are up against today. The changing world we all face, but also the rolling back of advancements (in real time) in our country. What’s at stake? Our rights – ranging from voting to reproductive to privacy and healthcare. So as we get our yearly dose of inspiration and hope for the future at our monthly luncheon, remember to use that as fuel as you go into the future. We’ll need you there. Speaking of need, Athena wasn’t known for giving but this organization is and we could use your giving spirit for the Philanthropy Committee. Donate here. And finally, last call is approaching for Wit, Wisdom & Women as we need to close up our final count orders and have your seat included. So if you plan on attending, purchase your tickets here. Have a great April! Be well, Nancy |
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P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679