If you’re like me, you’ve completely lost track of what month it is and lost any memory of what should be happening now. So let me remind you that it is August, and, in normal times, we would have just had our retreat and you would not be receiving an August newsletter. So consider this a mini-newsletter. So much is already happening that Johanne and I thought some recap and announcements would be helpful. I “blame” Lorna’s spectacularly successful virtual annual meeting, as well as a couple months of cancelled everything, but members were anxious to jump in this summer, so we have!
I hope that everyone has noticed that bonuses have kicked off in a fabulous way. July featured a wonderful performance from the Plant Museum’s Upstairs Downstairs series, with Amber Forbes portraying laundress Maggie Stroud, who, in real life, was Doretha Edgecomb’s grandmother. Many thanks to Cynthia Zinober and Doretha for presenting the performance and then answering questions afterwards. Thanks, too, to Leslie Stein and Barbara Bachman for jumping on bonuses so quickly – another planned for August, so read about it and hop in!
Another activity that started last month was “Athena Reads,” new this year and off to a great start. Linda Saul-Sena and Anne Strozier agreed to organize our first book and discussions, and we had great discourse about “How to be an Antiracist,” lead by Anne and Simone Barefield. Thanks to all of them – it was quite well received and will be continuing, so keep your eyes open for the announcement of the next book and discussion time.
Bonus and Athena Reads are the most obvious things that are underway, but so much more is happening! The Community Action Committee has met, as a whole and in subcommittees; Membership is off to a running start with a revamped application form already approved by the board; mentoring has already held a great meet and greet for the new members and is planning a second; PR and Communications is gearing up to help with publicity; and Programs is just getting started – lots of activity and so early in the year! I’m delighted with the energy and enthusiasm.
So while COVID-19 has turned life upside down, life continues even though it is much different. We will continue with virtual events, including the September meeting, until it is safe to meet in person. In some ways, these virtual meetings have improved our fellowship with increased opportunities to gather and have more in depth conversations. Yet I know that we all yearn for normal face-to-face opportunities as well as some sense of normalcy. Hopefully, that will happen soon. In the interim, please take advantage of the opportunities we’re presenting, join a committee or two if you haven’t already, wear a mask, wash your hands, vote, and stay safe and well!