A Message From The President

January 2012

It’s been a wonderful holiday season, highlighted by two special Athena Society events: our evening gathering at the Sono Café in the Tampa Museum of Art and our always fabulous holiday party. Special thanks go to Margaret Miller for opening her lovely home to us as well as to Hospitality Committee Chair Elizabeth Howarth, Vice-Chair Jeanette LaRussa Fenton and the many members who assisted with the organization, preparation, presentation and clean-up required to make our party happen. It was a terrific celebration and a great time to catch up with friends, both old and new!

As the holiday season draws to a close, I find myself looking forward to the new year and
energized by the many opportunities that will be available within Athena. In the near term, the Long Range Planning Committee will be soliciting your input concerning our member nomination process. Please avail yourself of the chance to share your thoughts, concerns and especially your constructive suggestions about this process by responding to the survey. The Committee’s work will continue for some time so changes, if any, to the process will be implemented after this year’s member nomination process has concluded.

And speaking of the member nomination process, please view it a golden opportunity to enhance the diversity of our membership. Consider nominating an outstanding young woman in a profession under-represented in our ranks or from a cultural background more reflective of our community at large than our organization. New perspectives foster fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm`, and they are critical to Athena’s ability to continue to thrive.

In connection with the unveiling of Athena’s new website this spring, the Technology Committee will be conducting a series of workshops designed to help you feel comfortable with the site and confident about maximizing its potential for your own convenience and enjoyment. I encourage you to make time in your schedule to attend a workshop and reap the benefit of some quality time with our tech-savvy members.

Feed your soul by serving as a mentor – to another member, a Young Woman of Promise or a Career Assistance Grant recipient. Athena will be putting its new website to work by making your willingness to serve and your particular availability known and by facilitating matches with appropriate candidates.

Seize the chance to create an opportunity for another woman by making a contribution to the Phyllis Marshall Career Assistance Grants Program and/or the Dr. Sylvia D. Richardson Young Women of Promise Program.

Enjoy time and laughs with your Athena sisters! Happy New Year!