A Message From The President

July 2013

Amelia Campbell was inducted as the new President of the Athena Society at the Annual Meeting dinner held June 19th at the Tampa Yacht Club.  New members  (listed below) were introduced by Ashley Moody and Robin DeLaVergne, and former member Louisa Van Eepoel was welcomed back.   Treasurer Bonnie Carr presented the budget for next fiscal year and Nominating Committee Chair Rachelle DesVaux Bedke presented the new slate of officers and board members to a unanimous vote.   Prior to the traditional “passing of the gavel”  Elaine Terenzi recognized the contribution of the exiting board and committee chairs.   The new president’s first message will be in August.

New Members:

Anita Caballero

Virginia Covington

Amy Farrior

Elizabeth Frazier

Zoe Gustafson

Dee Jeffers

Ann Miller

Deborah Skyrms