While writing my final president’s message, I received the news of Helen Gordon Davis having passed away. Always remembering her as one of the first Athena members I ever met, I honor her for the impact that she made on each of us and for women far beyond our organization as well as for her leading the way for us to make the meaningful impact that Athena has and will continue to make. Athena – women supporting other women.
Last year at our annual meeting, I had the opportunity to share with you a desire to continue the organization’s focus on membership diversity and continuing our philanthropic impact on deserving women within our community. Our membership is welcoming 8 new members who will enhance the richness and diversity of Athena. They are remarkable women, like each of you and are listed in this newsletter and will be introduced at our June 4th meeting. We look forward to having them become engaged members of Athena as they each bring their own attributes to our organization and will allow us to continue to promote the purposes of Athena. Athena – women supporting other women.
This past year we maintained our fund at the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay at over $100,000 – thank you to those who are dedicated contributors. This fund enabled us to award $8,500 in Phyllis Marshall Career Assistance Grants, a record amount to incredibly deserving recipients. These grants enable women who are striving to reach their educational goals the opportunity to succeed. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to the Athena fund at the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay to ensure our impact continues. Additionally, we recognized 10 amazing high school juniors as Dr. Sylvia Richardson Young Women of Promise. These young women allow us a glimpse into the future generation of women who will lead our community and beyond.Athena- women supporting other women.
Every organization experiences times when current issues will result in members having many perspectives – none right or wrong – just differing. Athena is not immune to this and during this past year we encountered such. Our membership continues to be committed to our founding purposes and will ensure that we will continue to move forward – together. Athena – women supporting other women.
Athena runs smoothly because of the dedicated members who serve as Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs. I’d like to especially thank Kim DeBosier, Robin DeLaVergne, Betty Castor, Lagretta Lenker, Susan Casper, Amelia Campbell, Doretha Edgecomb, Laura Kolkman, Mindy McLaughlin, Lisa Robbins, Amanda Sansone and Becca Tieder for their commitment to our organization this year. A very special thank you to our administrator, Eleanor Hubbard. Her knowledge and commitment allows those of us in a leadership position to balance the demands of our careers and Athena. Athena – women supporting other women.
The opportunity to lead Athena is one that has been rewarding, challenging and most importantly inspiring. Thank you Athena Sisters – women supporting other women.
©2025 Athena Society Incorporated
P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679