This past weekend, I had the pleasure of spending several days in Winter Park with four women friends from law school. We had all received both shots several weeks back and were in driving distance of each other, so decided to have a mini-reunion. It was glorious and we all felt like it represented a shift towards normalcy, a corner turned. As happens with good friends, all the time apart simply faded away, and we took up where we left off at our last gathering a couple of years ago. I know that is what will happen when Athena can finally meet again face to face, and I so look forward to the day! To quote Jane Fonda, “women’s friendships are like a renewable source of power.” May it be so – and soon!
Meanwhile, we carry on remotely and good things are still happening. I invite you to log onto the Athena website and explore our new pages devoted to diversity, equity, inclusivity and belonging (DEIB in the head notes). With much gratitude to Lorna Taylor for sharing similar pages on her corporate website, we have borrowed the concept and added to it. It’s a great resource for Athena members, and we plan to put it on the public side of our website after we’re sure that we have included what we want and that the links work as hoped. Please check it out and explore the categories of anti-racism, gender equality, resources by Athena members, and the ERA. If you have any suggested additions or find any errors, please contact Johanne.
We had some great programs last month, including Gilbert King’s presentation at the February meeting, Dr. Gaston’s incredible background information on Zora Neale Hurston at Athena Reads, and Pat Frank’s fascinating discussion of her childhood as well as remembrances from others who have worked with Pat through her long and noted career. The coming month promises to be remarkable as well – I’m looking forward to hearing from the next generation at this month’s meeting – what impressive young women! Last month’s bonus with our private jazz concert will be followed this month with a remote museum exhibit about the Ocoee massacre – who says you have to go to venues in person?
So we stay busy, we stay informed, we stay entertained, and we stay friends! It may not be the way it’s always been, but we have made the best of it. Like my recent reunion, we will be back face to face soon, and I know we will feel the months apart fade away. We will have renewed sources of power. To close with another quote on friendship – there is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate!
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P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679