My inspiration for this month’s message came from an unexpected place – a sign at the Little League Field on Davis Islands. Last Spring I was watching my son Tyler play baseball. The game was slow, the temperature was hot and I drank what seemed like a gallon of water. After returning from the women’s restroom, I complained about the condition of the facilities to another mother. She pointed to a sign posted on the fence that said: ” IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE VOLUNTEER.”
Although my preference is to communicate in a more positive tone, this sign was direct and impactful. I reflected on how easy it is to criticize and complain about a situation rather than take positive steps to improve it. As a result, I made a generous contribution to the annual Field of Dreams fundraiser, which included plans to renovate the women’s (and men’s) restrooms.
I also used my time and energy to persuade other parents to make a donation. My message began: “Our sons are fortunate to play baseball at one of the most beautiful fields in the United States. How many Little League fields are located next to the water?”
As we move through the year, please use your time, energy and resources to make Athena a better organization. And if you don’t like what you see, please volunteer!
©2025 Athena Society Incorporated
P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679