During our September membership meeting, several bylaw amendments were brought forth to the membership for a vote. The one that generated the most discussion was whether the word “nonpartisan” should be added in Article 1. Section 2. Additionally, a proposed amendment to the proposed bylaw amendment was discussed at length. The membership voted not to adopt the proposed amendment to add the word “nonpartisan” or the proposed amendment to the amendment which sought to address a concern over the effect of the proposed amendment if passed. Since that meeting there has been a significant outreach by members who represent all facets of Athena, including business women, entrepreneurs, educators, lawyers as well as elected and appointed individuals, both from the group who voted in favor of and against the proposed amendments. Several voiced confusion over the issues presented. Each of these members has requested that we find common ground on this issue.
On September 15 the Board of Directors voted to request that the Bylaws Committee review this specific issue to find common ground and make a recommendation to the Board prior to November 17 which is the date of the November Board meeting. The Board is also requesting that the Bylaws Committee include a recommendation for the timing and format of presenting recommended language to the membership.
As promised in last month’s newsletter, each of our new members will be spotlighted in the President’s message throughout the year. Felicia Harvey has her B.S. in Economics with a minor in Journalism from Florida A & M University. She is accomplished professionally and currently is the Sr. Director of Communications for the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce. In addition, she is very active in our community. Last year Felicia was selected by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida as the 2013 Women of Distinction Woman of Promise. The award was given to her based on her strong community engagement and her track record of being an excellent role model for young girls. She has had leadership roles in the Tampa Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, including, at 29 being the youngest Alumni Chapter President in the country. She also has served as a member of the United Negro College Fund Bay Area Leadership Council since 2006 and, is the Chair of Bridges, A United Way Suncoast Leadership Initiative geared towards cultivating diverse professionals for leadership within United Way. Welcome Felicia!
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P.O. Box 10813 Tampa, FL 33679