A Message From The President

October 2018

Our October 4th meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about our crucial and crowded November 6th General Election ballot.  You will not want to miss it!

Representatives of the Hillsborough County League of Women Voters graciously agreed to facilitate the part of the program which will address the wild ride of proposed changes to our state’s constitution.  These proposals address tax policy, voting rights, lobbying rules, offshore drilling, greyhound racing, gambling, and even vaping in public places. League reps will answer questions about those amendments and address our expressed concerns.  They’ll walk through the LWV recommendations and the rationale behind those positions, as well.

The proposed amendments are only part of the November elections story.  The ballot will be long and challenging. Floridians will select from a wide array of candidates, choosing our Governor, U.S. Senator, congressional reps, members of our state legislature, county commissioners and our all-important school boards.  This promises to be one of the most significant in recent memory.

Athena will continue our tradition of bringing substance to our discussions as our Community Action Committee Chair, Kem Toole, explains how her team collated our Athena Position Statements with the committee’s candidate polling.  This offers members another tool (or Toole?) as we evaluate reasons for voting for a candidate.  Or not.

This meeting plans to be a blockbuster.  But it is up to you. Individual input is more than welcome because Athena sisters depend on our trusted colleagues to speak up, enriching the conversation with each unique and valued perspective.

Finally, while your Board and I are grateful for the generous contributions to our philanthropy fund, our Young Women of Promise and Career Assistance Grants recipients appreciate you far more than one can imagine.  The current list of contributors is impressive. We are sure that, as in past years, others will pitch in. Generosity has been and surely will continue to be the Athena Way.

Thank you.